Kiko wants Senate House coordination

July 4, 2010

Bernadette E. Tamayo
People’s Journal
July 4, 2010

SENATOR Francis Pangilinan will push for weekly coordination meetings between officials of both Upper and Lower Chambers of Congress to speed up the legislative mill.

He stressed the need to have better coordination between the Senate and the House of Representatives in the 15th Congress which will open on July 26 Pangilinan wants to “shorten the time” in passing laws by convening the Legislative Executive Development Advisory Council LEDAC every month for tighter coordination between the Legislative and the Executive departments.”

However he maintained that proper coordination does not mean that “check and balance will be compromised.”

He added: “I believe that everyone in the 16thCongress wants to see genuine reforms for ourcountry I believe it will be what unites us.”

“We need legislative activism to effect much needed reforms in the next six years The 16th Congress must be proactive creative and dynamic in coming up with solutions to problems that continue to hound our nation,” Pangilinan said.

“We need to hit the ground running and address issues of poverty, job creation ending pervasive corruption ending armed conflicts and engaging public private sectors in govemment efforts,” he said.

Pangilinan said Congress must show the people that the legislators “mean business.”

He added They want resulte They do not want political infighting or the usual horte trading and the mindless and bankrupt politics that come with it