The Swedish Social Democratic Party condemns the arrest of Senator de Lima in Philippines.

March 4, 2017

The arrest of human rights activist and senator Leila de Lima, the Philippines, is unacceptable, and can not be seen as anything other than that the government uses its powers improperly to those who oppose its policies. The Swedish Social Democrats therefore call for her release immediately.

Senator Leila de Lima headed for several years, the Philippine Commission on Human Rights. Under the mandate, she has criticized the death squads and extrajudicial killings which are sanctioned by President Duterte in his war on drugs. Several thousands have been shot dead so far which must stop immediately.

Senator Leila De Lima is now accused of drug offenses and risking life in prison if she is convicted.

The Swedish Social Democrats stand side by side with the Philippine sister party Akbayan who is condemning the executions and abuse of power. The opposition, with Akbayan in the forefront is defending democracy and the rule of law, and stands on the side of the Filipino people.

– Our criticism will not be silent and we are following developments in the Philippines very closely, says the party’s international secretary Andrine Winther.